
AIController Blueprint and AIController Class in Unreal Engine are two key components in developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your game. The AIController Blueprint is a type of Blueprint Class that acts as a visual scripting interface for creating and modifying AI behavior. On the other hand, the AIController Class is a C++ class that provides the base functionality for controlling AI characters in your game.

The relationship between the AIController Blueprint and AIController Class is one of inheritance. The AIController Blueprint is a child class of the AIController Class and inherits all of its properties, functions, and behavior. This means that you can use the AIController Blueprint to define AI behavior using visual scripting, while still having access to the underlying C++ functionality provided by the AIController Class.

Create AIController Blueprint

One of the key benefits of using the AIController Blueprint is that it provides a more intuitive and accessible way to create AI behavior compared to writing code. You can easily create and modify AI behavior by dragging and dropping nodes, connecting them to form a network, and setting values in the Blueprint editor.

On the other hand, the AIController Class provides a powerful and flexible way to control AI characters in your game. You can use C++ code to create custom AI behavior, and the AIController Class provides a number of built-in functions and properties to help you get started. Additionally, you can use the AIController Class to create reusable AI components that can be used across multiple projects.

AI Controller Class Setting

In conclusion, the AIController Blueprint and AIController Class work together to provide a powerful and flexible way to create AI in UE5. Whether you prefer visual scripting or coding, you can use these components to create complex AI behavior in your game. The AIController Blueprint provides an accessible and intuitive way to create AI behavior, while

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