
Animation Sequence is an animation asset that contains animation data that can be played on a Skeletal Mesh to animate a character. An Animation Sequence contains keyframes that specify the position, rotation, and scale of the Skeletal Mesh's Skeleton at specific points in time. By blending between keyframes during sequential playback, the Skeleton's motion animates the Mesh.


Animation Sequence are tied to specific Skeletons, which enables animations to be shared across Skeletal Meshes that use the same Skeleton.

Animation Sequence can be created in a few different ways, including through motion capture or by manually animating a character. Once created, Animation Sequences can be imported into Unreal Engine and used to control the movement of characters in the game.

Animation Sequence Editor in Unreal Engine provides a variety of tools and features for creating and editing Animation Sequences. This includes the ability to blend and layer multiple animations, adjust the timing and playback speed of the animation, and add animation curves to control specific attributes like the character's facial expressions or the movement of their limbs.

Animation Sequence Editor

One key benefit of using Animation Sequences in game development is that they can help to make character movements and actions appear more lifelike and natural. By carefully crafting and tweaking animations to match the movement and behavior of real-world objects and characters, game developers can create more immersive and engaging gameplay experiences for players.

Overall, Animation Sequences are an essential tool for game developers looking to create rich and dynamic character animations in their games. With Unreal Engine's powerful animation tools and features, developers have the flexibility and control they need to create stunning and realistic character movements and interactions that can help to make their games truly stand out.

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