
Creating AI (Artificial Intelligence) in video games has been a challenging and exciting task for game developers. The goal of AI is to create non-player characters (NPCs) that are able to interact with the game environment and the player in a way that is believable and engaging.

There are several tools available in Unreal Engine that can be used to create AI. The two main tools for creating AI in UE5 are the Behavior Tree and Blackboard

Behavior Tree is a visual scripting tool that allows game developers to define a set of tasks or behaviors that an AI character should perform. These behaviors can be connected to form a tree-like structure, with each node in the tree representing a specific task or action. The Behavior Tree is a powerful tool that provides a lot of flexibility and control over the AI behavior, and it is highly recommended for creating more complex AI characters.

Behavior Tree

Blackboard is another tool that is used for creating AI in UE5. Unlike the Behavior Tree, which is a visual scripting tool, the Blackboard is a data-driven tool. The Blackboard is used to store data that is relevant to the AI character, such as the location of the player, the current health of the character, and the state of the game. This data can then be used by the Behavior Tree to make decisions about what the AI character should do next.

Create Blackboard

Blackboard Interface
Blackboard Interface

In conclusion, both the Behavior Tree and Blackboard are valuable tools for creating AI in UE5. While the Behavior Tree provides a lot of flexibility and control over the AI behavior, the Blackboard is a powerful data-driven tool that can be used to store and access data that is relevant to the AI character. Game developers can use these tools in combination to create rich, engaging, and believable AI characters in their games.

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